Detox Programs Guide
These are juicing programs where for a period of time one takes the juices and soups that we have made and delivered as their meals. We use the Nutrify green juices for these programs. The programs vary from 3-14 days.
Did you know 70% of our lifestyle diseases (diabetes, heart disease, blood pressure, cancer) come from what we eat. 50% of hospital admission are from lifestyle diseases. In 2014 Kenyans spent 47.4 billion on treating lifestyle and related diseases …(is this where you want your hard earned money to go?) You are what you eat.. Lets make a change avert these diseases through resetting our systems with the first step of detoxing and a lifestyle change with clean eating.
How to know you need a detox:
We have been consuming foods that have little or no nutrition for our bodies such as soda, many deep fried foods, lots of sugary foods etc. These foods often to offer any nutritional benefits to us and so we find ourselves overfed but undernourished. With constant consumption of these non-nutritional foods we find our selves:
- Tired/low energy, lethargic,
- Skin breakouts,
- Unable to sleep well,
- Having stubborn weight that refuses to go,
- Getting sick all the time,
- Binge eating and craving unhealthy foods,
- Headaches & joint pain
- Lack of mental clarity
- Uncomfortable digestion
- Bad mood
in the long run lifestyle diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and cancer.
So our detox program is designed to flush out the toxins that have been causing havoc in your body and press the reset button so your purge out the old and embark on post detox healthy eating, clean eating plan to sustain the good work the detox has done.
How to prepare for the program
3 days before the cleanse cutout red meat, alcohol, tobacco & processed food from your diet. Drink at least 2 liters of water per day increase fresh fruit & veggie intake in meals and for grains have whole grains.
During the program
We would make your juice and deliver every 3 days a delivery of 9 liters (6 of the green juices as well as 3 liters of weight loss lemonade that you would consume in between your green juices on both day 1, 2 & 3. we will send you the juice daily intake). We would recommend lots of water and teas like green tea, purple tea, madafu in between as well. If you like we can also suggest sugarcane juice but really 1 liter of sugarcane juice in the course of 3-4 days.
Juices should be stored in the fridge and best consumed within the 3 days… after that they're likely to be off and we suggest you don't drink them. If you have a fridge at home but not in the office do carry your juice in an airtight flask.
After the program
Ease back into food with fresh green salad & fruit salads, lots of water & a little soup. After 3 days your regular Whole Foods diet including whole grains.